Molecular biodiversity analysis

Vertiefungen: BLH, EÖ, NM, UNE, UÖ
Minor: Felddiagnostik und Analytik
Modulkürzel: MBA
ECTS-Credits: 4
Semester: 4

In recent years, molecular biological tools for species identification, analysis of biodiversity, and disease diagnosis have gained huge practical significance in several areas of natural resource sciences, such as ecology and (plant) pathology. The aim of this module is to become acquainted with these methods and procedures as well as to examine their practical significance and applications.
The module also provides an overview of how these procedures are applied in nature conservation, environmental protection, agriculture and ecotechnology. Students will develop their ability to apply different analysis methods and evaluate results. The module is continuously adapted to include current topics in the field, therefore some changes may be made to the content.


  • State of the art of molecular analysis and diagnosis
  • DNA extraction, amplification and sequencing techniques
  • Molecular identification of organisms 
  • Biodiversity and community analysis 
  • Plant biotechnological procedures


Dieses Modul gehört zum Minor «Felddiagnostik und Analytik», kann aber auch unabhängig davon besucht werden, sofern die Zugangsvoraussetzungen erfüllt sind.

Dieses Modul wird in Englisch unterrichtet.


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