Vegetation analysis and plant systematics

Vertiefungen: BLH, EÖ, NM, UNE, UÖ
Minor: Artenkenntnisse
Modulkürzel: VAAPS
ECTS-Credits: 4
Semester: 4

Vegetation and flora play an important role in ecological research, nature conservation and land use management. This module consists of two courses: (1) “Plant systematics” provides a basic understanding of modern systematics of flowering plants (angiosperms). This greatly facilitates the assignment of unknown plants to a genus or family, which, in turn, significantly accelerates the overall identification process. (2) “Vegetation analysis” provides a conceptual understanding of and methodological tools needed to analyse vegetation patterns in space and time and their underlying drivers. All project steps are practiced, including developing research questions, devising a suitable sampling design, performing field sampling and statistical analysis, presenting and interpreting the results.


Foci “plant systematics”

  • 20 most important flowering plant families
  • Techniques of plant determination

Foci “vegetation analysis”

  • Vegetation records and sampling design
  • Vegetation classification, monitoring and bioindication
  • Biodiversity: components, measures and analyses


Dieses Modul gehört zum Minor «Artenkenntnisse», kann aber auch unabhängig davon besucht werden, sofern die Zugangsvoraussetzungen erfüllt sind.
Dieses Modul wird in Englisch unterrichtet.


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